Speech Recorder


Free web based Text To Speech (TTS) service. Convert online any English text into MP3 audio file.

They call it the dark side of the moon but it’s really not always dark. One side always points toward the earth but if you lived on the moon it would be dark for two weeks and light for two weeks, so every night you can look up and see the sunrise or sunset moving across the surface of the moon.

Speech recorder device00:23
  • The audio recorders are perfect for taking quick speech notes on the go, but are also ideal for capturing conversations, lectures, interviews, music or meetings. No matter what you need to record, there is a digital voice recorder available which is specifically tailored to meet these needs. Explore the Philips Voice Tracer range.
  • Voice Recorder (Apple) - a simple voice recording app for iPhones. You can record and mix audio within the app, record only when someone is speaking, increase the recording volume and record via Bluetooth headset. The app supports multiple file formats.

The far side isn’t completely invisible either. Just like how the Earth’s wobble gives us seasons, the moon’s wobble lets us actually see a little bit of the far side of the moon right along the edge.

Speech recorder app00:37

Okay, so scientists still aren’t sure where the moon came from. There’s one idea that maybe it flew in from somewhere else in space and got stuck spinning around the Earth. But most scientists think that what probably happened is that a long long time ago there was a huge planet that hit the Earth. The explosion was so big and so hot that it made a giant magma ocean all over the Earth.


Speech Recorder


Text To Speech Recorder

A bunch of rock and magma shot out and stayed in Earth’s orbit and started coming together into one big ball that became the moon. So that’s what scientists say the moon is, a big chunk of the Earth. But we know it’s actually cheese, right Dad?

Virtual speech recorder01:53

That may not explain the gravity of the moon though - if it was made of cheese it would have to be less than one sixth of the earth’s gravity, depending on the kind of cheese.

Record your voice using an App

Looking for a voice recording app instead? Here is our curated list of the best voice recording apps on both the Apple App store and Google Play store.

Speech recorder online
  • Easy Voice Recorder (Android) - this app provides an easy way to record audio with your phone. You open the app, hit the mic button, record, share as needed, and then close the app. It also has a few additional features, like the ability to change what kind of file type you record to.
  • Hi-Q MP3 Voice Recorder (Android) - Hi-Q is a powerful voice recorder app. The app records MP3 and you can upload your audio automatically to Dropbox once the recording has finished. The app also lets you choose which mic on your device to use, support for Wi-Fi transfer, gain control, and more.
  • Voice Recorder & Audio Editor (Apple) - voice recorder for the iPhone and iPad. Transcribe recordings in the app using speech-to-text technology, add notes to recordings and cloud support where you can save your audio recordings to. Advanced features include multiple audio formats, loop recordings and changing playback speed.
  • Voice Recorder (Apple) - a simple voice recording app for iPhones. You can record and mix audio within the app, record only when someone is speaking, increase the recording volume and record via Bluetooth headset. The app supports multiple file formats.